Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Word a day

What if I try and learn at least one Hungarian word a day - say it and spell it? If I manage to keep it up, I would know over a 100 words. I think that would be pretty impressive. I have told my team I want to give it a try. So, since today is my 7th day in the country that means I have to know at least 7 words:

1. igen - Said: E-gen Means: yes
2. nem - Said: Nem Means: no
3. czirke - Said: Chir-key Think cross between chicken and turkey Means: Chicken
4. Szekesfehervar - Said: Sekesssh-feharrrrr - var Means: The name of the countryside town I am staying in AND Szekes (with chair) fehar (white) var (castle) Does this one count as 4 words???
5. jeges - Said: ya-gesh Means: cold
6. ebed - Said: A-bayyyd Means: lunch
7. Pusci - Said: Pussy Means: Kiss
8. Fak - Said: Fuck Means: Trees
9. Elnezest - Said: El-knee-zesht Means: Excuse Me
10. Koszonom - Said: Ko-so-num Means: Thanks
11. Egeszsegedre - Said: egg-as-sheg-a-dre Means: Cheers
12. Csak Lassan - Said: Chalk La-Shawn Means: Easy Tiger I am doubting I will ever have a need to use this one.

Do I get a prize for being ahead of schedule???? I guess this allows me a few cheats down the line. :)


  1. so how inappropriate do i get to be on your blog? because the environmentalist in me can't help but want to pusci all the faks in Hungary.

    sorry, you know i have the maturity level of a 12 year old boy. who am i kidding? 12 year old boys are more mature than I am.

    but seriously... whoa, this language is nuts! i think my favorite is czirke/chirkey/chicken. :)

  2. I get why you would quickly learn tree; a word which would not be of much significance were it not prounounced as it is. Val- I shmell you. I think Kelly should run through parks screaming, "tree!" How liberating, no?
